Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Weekend is Here

 The weekend is not that Weeknd

The weekend is usually a time we would relax, kickback, and for us gamblers.... typically look down at our phones all weekend trying to chase a high. Get out and be active. Go spend time with family and friends. If you have a family and kids, use the money you would have wasted on gambling and spend it making memories. There's a life outside of gambling. We can and we will get through this together. 

Recently started a new discord server for any and all struggling with gambling addiction and are ready to make a change in their life. I wanted to create a supportive community outside of the spaces I normally post to and hope this will help many others moving forward. (copy and paste into URL)

Life is better when we're not shackled down by our addictions. One day at a time. 

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