Thursday, November 23, 2023

Acceptance is Key

 Recently I have seen the same questions being asked: “how do I accept the losses and move on”. The obvious answer to this is to just move on. If you keep chasing losses, your situation will just keep getting worse. You’ll keep digging a deeper hole and wonder why you cannot make your payments, afford rent or food and not have money to splurge on your family and significant other this holiday season. When it comes to moving on, its difficult. But as one of the smartest individuals once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome”. It is time to step out of the cycle and into a living a better life away from gambling. 

Accepting the losses means acknowledging the fact that mistakes were made. This involves practicing self-compassion and understanding we face setbacks in our lives that can be detrimental. This is the start of the healing process. Be kind to yourself during this challenging time.Changing habits is a great way to move forward and accept the losses. Replacing gambling with healthier alternatives is an essential way to build healthy coping mechanisms. Engage in activities that promote well-being such as exercise, hobbies or mindfulness practices. This helps distract and delay the urges to gamble and contribute positively to mental and physical health.


Recovering from gambling losses involves addressing the financial repercussions. Creating a realistic budget, seeking out financial advice and taking gradual steps towards repaying debts are crucial. It may be a slow process, but every step counts towards rebuilding financial stability.

Taking ownership of the losses is pivotal. It involves acknowledging personal accountability without self -blame or judgment. Recognize that decisions made while active in addiction might not always yield the desired outcomes. Learn from these experiences can foster personal growth and a better understanding for future endeavors.


Accepting financial losses after gambling is undoubtedly a daunting task, but it is not insurmountable. It is about facing the reality, learning from the experience and embracing the lessons taught. This new life away from gambling is a journey that demands courage, self-reflection and the willingness to seek help when needed. By doing so, one can emerge stronger, wiser and more resilient, ready to move forward towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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