Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving from Winning Daily

 Happy Thanksgiving to all who will partake in todays festivities. For most of us, we will be surrounded by people who love and care about us. Let us not take the family and friends time for granted and make the most of this day. The day is most known for a day of being grateful but we should be grateful on a daily basis. For us compulsive gamblers in recovery, we should be most grateful we are not partaking in this horrible disease anymore. Grateful we are not wasting our hard-earned money on slots, card games or a Thanksgiving Detroit Lions game knowing damn well we would have lost all our money had we did. Thanksgiving football for most of us sports gamblers might be difficult but fight those urges if they come. Delay any urges you might have, reach out to other compulsive gamblers in similar situations and talk with them. Be grateful for the day you have been graced upon today and everyday. 

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